Chapter 8: Pointers and Memory Allocation

We have discussed many abstractions that are built into the C programming language. Most of these abstractions intentionally obscure something central to storage: the address in memory where something is stored. Pointers are a way to get closer to memory and to manipulate the contents of memory directly.

In this chapter, we will discuss pointers and how pointers are used to work with memory. We will discuss how memory can be dynamically allocated and manipulated using pointers. And we will see that arrays and pointer are very closely connected.

Pointer Basics

We know variables in C are abstractions of memory, holding a value. That value is typed, defined by a data type definition in the variable declaration.

A pointer is no different. A pointer is a variable whose value is an address, typed by its declaration. Pointers "point to" a variable (memory) with a typed value by referencing that variable, not by name, but by address.


Pointers are declared to point to a typed value. This is the syntax of a declaration:

datatype *variable_name 

Here are some examples:

int *ptr1; float *ptr2; char *ptr3; 

These declare ptr1 to hold the address of an integer, ptr2 to hold the address of a floating point number, and ptr3 to hold the address of a character.

Like all variables, pointer variables do not have a value simply by being declared. That fact might seem intuitive for other data types, but it's hard to remember for pointers. In the above examples, the variables are meant to contain the address of other variables, but they have not been initialized yet.

Declaration Notation

At first glance, the notation used to declare pointers might seem wrong. Since a pointer variable points to another variable of the declared data type, you might expect the declaration to look like this:

int* ptr1; 

Instead, the * symbol is associated with the variable name in the declaration. This is intentional. If we associate the * symbol with the variable name, we can declare a list of variable names, some of which are not pointers. Here is an example:

int *ptr1, width, height, *mem; 

Note that not everything in the list is a pointer. This is possible only if we associate the * with the variable name. If we were to use the notation int* ptr1, mem; only the first item in the list would be a pointer.

Variables and Addresses

If pointers contain addresses, there should be a way to give them an address as a value. All variables have an address, a designation of where they are stored in memory. We can derive the address of a variable by placing a "&" symbol in front of the variable name. Here is an example:

int distance = 10; int *ptri = &distance; printf("%u\n", ptri); 

The variable ptri is assigned the address of the variable distance as its value. The value of distance is not changed.

Now if we were to print the value of ptri , we would get a large number that really makes no sense to us, but makes sense to the computer runtime system. The printf function call above might print this as its value:


That value makes sense to the computer, but it is of no use to programmers. Knowing the address does not help us work with the pointer or what it points to.

Dereferencing a Pointer

Once a pointer has an address of a variable name, we can use it to work with the variable it references. To do this, we have to dereference the pointer, that is, get to the variable or memory it points to.

Dereferencing a pointer uses the same asterisk notation that we used to declare a pointer. Consider the following example.

int payment = 10; int *p = &payment; *p = 15; 

This code starts by assigning the value 10 to the variable payment . Then the pointer p takes the address of payment as its value. The third statement changes payment to 15 by actually assigning the value 15 to the variable to which p points. The *p in the statement is a dereference.

Using the same syntax to declare pointers and to dereference pointers can be a bit confusing, especially if the declaration is used with an initial value, like in the above example. Unfortunately, you just have to remember the difference between declaration and dereferencing.

Let's look at one more example of dereferencing.

int distance = 250, fuel = 10; float economy1, economy2; int *pd, *pf; pd = &distance; *pd = *pd + 10; pf = &fuel; *pf = *pf +5; economy1 = distance / fuel; *(&economy2) = economy1; 

In this example, the variable distance is set to 250 and incremented by 10 by dereferencing the pointer pd . Likewise, the variable fuel is set to 10 , then incremented by 5 by dereferencing the pointer pf . The last statement is there to show that you can even dereference an address operator. By dereferencing what the address of economy2 points to, we just reference the variable economy2 .

Allocating Memory

While you can work with declared variables using the "&" operator, you can also create memory space while a program is executing and allow a pointer to reference it. This memory space does not even need a name associated with it.

You create space in memory using the malloc function. To create space, you need to know the type of space you want to create and the size in bytes of that space. Fortunately, you don't have to know the size of everything in C; you can use an operator to compute that.

The sizeof operator will return the number of bytes its type parameter uses. For example,


should return the value 4 : a variable declared to be of type int will take up 4 bytes in memory.

Once we know the number of bytes we want to allocate, calling malloc with the right size will create a space in memory of that size and will return the address of that space. So, consider this example:

int *p = malloc(sizeof(int)); 

Here, we have allocated enough memory to store a single integer and returned the address of that space to be assigned to the pointer p . Now, the only way to work with that space is through the pointer. But if we use dereferencing correctly, this space can be used as if we have a variable, because we do! We do indeed have a variable; it just does not have a name associated with it.

Here's another example:

int *pa = malloc(5*sizeof(int)); 

In this allocation, we have created a space that is big enough to store 5 integers.

Since this space is contiguous, that is, created from sequential memory locations, we have essentially created an array of 5 integers. We will examine this further, but we need to first figure out how to access each integer in this space by doing arithmetic on pointers.

Pointers are typed in C. When a pointer is declared, the data type it points to is recorded. As with other variables, if we try to assign values from incompatible types, errors will result.

Pointer Arithmetic

We have said that a pointer contains an address into memory. If addresses are just numbers, then we can do computations with them. Indeed, we can do pointer arithmetic in an intuitive fashion.

As you might think, pointer arithmetic uses operators + and - to increment or decrement addresses. However, to increment a pointer means to add enough to its value to move to the next element of the data type to which it points. For example, if a pointer contains the address of an integer, then adding one to that pointer means skipping 4 bytes to point to the next integer. If the data type is larger, the increment will increase the pointer the correct amount of bytes. Decrement works in an analogous way.

This is especially useful when a pointer points to the beginning of an allocated area in memory. Let's say that we have code that just allocated space in memory for 20 integers:

int *bigspace = malloc(20 * sizeof(int)); *bigspace = 10; 

By dereferencing the pointer, we gain access to the first integer in the space. The rest of the integers are accessible through pointer arithmetic. Consider the following code:

*(bigspace + 1) = 20; *(bigspace + 2) = 30; 

This code assigns the values 20 and 30 to the the second and third integers in the space, respectively. This is how we would access all integers in the allocated space.

There's a few notes we need to make about pointer arithmetic.

Let's walk through one more example.

long *bigints = malloc(100 * sizeof(long)); for (int i=0; i 

In this example, we allocate 100 long integers and initializing each long integer in the space to the value 0 . Then we "rewind" the pointer by subtracting 100*sizeof(long) from it. It is our only way to access all the long integers in the allocated space and we must be careful to work with the pointer so it accurately points to the elements we need.

Pointers and Arrays

We have defined arrays as a collection of elements of the same type, organized in sequence so that we can reference them with an integer index. We have also described memory allocation as a way to create a collection of elements of the same type, placed sequentially in memory. These two ideas are so very close that C treats them the same.

We will demonstrate that pointers are arrays and arrays are pointers.

Pointers and Array References

C allows the same syntax to be used for both arrays and pointers. Let's consider a previous example:

int *bigspace = malloc(20 * sizeof(int)); 

We accessed and assigned values to memory in this way:

*bigspace = 10; *(bigspace + 1) = 20; *(bigspace + 2) = 30; 

We could just as easily have used array reference syntax:

bigspace[0] = 10; bigspace[1] = 20; bigspace[2] = 30; 

Declaring bigspace as an array also works:

int bigspace[20]; 

And both methods of accessing the memory space are still equally valid.

Pointers and arrays may be exchanged in assignment statements as well. For example, consider the following:

int space1[20]; int *space2 = space1; *space1 = 10; space2[1] = 20; 

The first two elements of the array space1 have been initialized to 10 and 20 , respectively. The reverse is true as well:

int *space2 = malloc(20 * sizeof(int)); int space1 = space2; *space1 = 10; space2[1] = 20; 

This illustrates our point: pointers are arrays and arrays are pointers.

Are Pointers and Arrays Really the Same Thing?

If pointers are arrays and arrays are pointers, then why are there two different concepts?

Pointers and array are not the same thing and are really not treated the same by a C compiler. The point we are making here is that array notation and pointer notation are interchangeable.

There are indeed differences between the two structures. The sizeof function will return different values for a pointer (which is a variable that fits into a memory word) and an array (which is a collection of data). A C compiler will treat storage of dynamically allocated memory differently than an array initialized as a string. They have similar uses, but also different uses.

So, while it helps to be able to use notation that works for both, arrays and pointers are really different types of data with a variety of different uses.

Pointer Arithmetic and Array Indicies

As we saw in the previous section, pointer arithmetic and using indicies and array notation are interchangeable. We have also seen how to use pointer arithmetic to move pointers through allocated memory space.

As declared and initialized to a memory space, pointers point to the base, the first element, of that space. This is item number 0 in array notation. Whenever we add 1 to a pointer, the system computes the size, in bytes, of the data type that the pointer points to and increments that pointer the number of bytes that make up that data type. Thus, an increment for the pointer is the same as an increment in array notation.

For example, consider this code:

short sa[10], *ps; long sl[10], *pl; ps = sa; pl = sl; 

Now, ps points to sa[0] and pl points to sl[0] . Now if we increment both pointers by 1, like this:

ps++; pl++; 

ps points to sa[1] and pl points to sl[1] . Even though both pointers were incremented by 1, the addresses were incremented by a different number of bytes.

If we wanted a pointer to start in the middle of an array, instead of the beginning, we would need to use the address of a selected item from that array. For example, if we wanted ps from the example above to point to sa[4] , we would need to derive the address of sa[4] like this:

Now, ps points into the array and not at the beginning.

Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays

Now let's consider how pointers interact with multidimensional arrays. The syntax starts to get a bit clumsy, but if we remember how pointers work with memory, the syntax is easier to understand.

Let's start with two dimensions: rows and columns. Remember that a two-dimensional array is really just a big memory space, organized as rows and columns. If that's true, then a pointer into that space could actually just work as we have described it so far. Here's an example:

long table[10][20]; long *ptr = table; 

This code describes a space comprised of 200 long integers. We could work with ptr as if it was pointing into that 200 long integer space. We could reference ptr[30] or (ptr+30) and it would work, referencing a long integer, 30 items into that space.

However, if we are declaring an array to have two dimensions, then it makes sense to try to use pointers in two dimensions. When we have an array of two dimensions, we can think of it as an "array of arrays". Using one dimension references an entire array from that collection. So referencing table[3] references an entire array at the 4th row of the table.

To use pointers with two dimensions, we need to think like this. If one pointer reference points to an array, then we really need a double reference: one to the the array/row and one more to get the item at the column in the array/row. Consider this type of declaration:

long table[10][20]; long **ptr = table; 

Note the double asterisk: one for rows and one for columns. Now, it would be an error to reference ptr[30] because there are not 30 rows in the table, only 10. In addition, (ptr+5) skips over the first 5 arrays, or 100 long integers, giving us access to the array at table[5] .

The same works to other dimensional arrays. Three dimensions could work like this:

long bigtable[5][10][20]; long ***ptr; 

Other dimensions work analogously.

Typed Pointers and Untyped Pointers

We have seen that, in C, pointers can be typed. The data type that a pointer points to informs the compiler on how many bytes to increment a pointer's address when using pointer arithmetic and how to work with pointers in situations where data types matter (like computations or some types of parameters). For example, in this code:

float x, y, *pf; int a, b, *pi; 

we cannot mix pointers to floats and integers in the same situations we can't mix actual floats and integers. For example:

*pf = 12.5; a = 10; pf = &a; b = *pf + a; 

The last line is an error, because it mixes a floating point number and an integer, producing a floating point number, and tries to assign it to an integer.

There are situations where untyped pointers are appropriate. Untyped pointers are declared to point to a "void" type and may point to values of any type. However, since they have no data type themselves, in order to dereference such a pointer, we must tell the compiler what it points to. Consider this example.

void main() < int numbers[6] = ; float average; void *p; p = &numbers[3]; p = &average; average = computeAverage(numbers, 6); printf("Average of these values is %f\n", *(float*)p); > 

In this code, assume that computeAverage computes the average of the integers in the array and returns that value as a float (we saw this example in Chapter 7). First, note that the pointer p takes an address of an integer variable, then takes the address of a float variable, and that a compiler would think this is correct. Second, in the call to printf , we had to inform the compiler that p was currently pointing to a float variable, and then we could dereference it.

Untyped pointers are also useful as formal parameters to functions. Using a void type for a pointer in a function specification allows flexibility in the actual parameter. Untyped pointers can also be useful as return values; for instance, malloc returns an untyped pointer. We will discuss these ideas further in the next section.

Pointers as Function Parameters

Pointers are the only way parameters can be changed in functions in a way that the caller of the function can access.

We have said in Chapter 6 that functions use pass-by-value for function parameters. In other words, values are copied from actual parameters to formal parameters when the call is made, but not copied back when the function returns. This implies that it is impossible to send changed values back to a function caller.

However, using pointers as parameters to functions makes this type of change possible. If we send a pointer to memory to a function, any changes to the pointer itself will be ignored, but the function can dereference the pointer and make changes to memory that the pointer references. That memory is not part of the parameter list of the function and those changes will be reflected back to the caller.

Let's consider the following example.

void swap_integers(int first, int second)

Now, because C uses pass-by-value, calling this code like this will not swap anything:

int x = 10, y = 20; swap_integers(x, y); 

The variables x and y will retain the same values after the function call.

Now, let's change the parameters of swap_integers into pointers. The code would look like this:

void swap_integers(int *first, int *second)

Because the parameters are now pointers, we have to dereference them to get at the actual values to be swapped. But now, since we are not changing the parameters, but rather the memory to which they point, memory is changed.

We would call this function this way:

int x = 10, y = 20; swap_integers(&x, &y); 

And the values are actually swapped.

Can We Make "swap" Generic with void Pointers?

If we can use typed pointers in a swap_integers function, could we use untyped pointers in a generic swap function? That is, by using "void" pointers, could we swap values of any type?

The answer, unfortunately, is "NO". While we can certainly specify parameters that are void * parameters, we cannot dereference a void pointer without knowing the data type to which it points. In addition, because we assign a value to temp in the above code, we must know what data types first and second point to, so the compiler knows how to make the assignment.

NULL Pointers

We have stated that pointers contain memory addresses as their values. In addition to addresses, pointers can have a "no address" value, called "null". This null value is actually a special value (many compilers make this value 0, although it could be another special value). Null values are unique; null pointers of any type are guaranteed to be equal.

Null pointers should not be confused with uninitialized pointers. Uninitialized pointers, like uninitialized variables, have no defined value; they occupy space in memory and take on whatever value was left there by the previous variable that occupied that space. Null pointers have a specific null value; uninitialized pointers have an undefined value.

Null pointers typically signify the end of data or an error condition. Dereferencing a null pointer will typically cause a program-crashing error.

Freeing up Memory

Dynamically creating memory with malloc is a great way to only take up the memory that your program needs. Memory on a Pebble smartwatch is limited, and using pointers in this way is frugal.

To continue this frugality, memory space that is allocated by your program must also be deallocated by your program. To deallocate memory that was allocated with malloc , use the free function call. Here's an example of allocating and immediately freeing up memory:

long *racing = malloc(40 * sizeof(long)); free(racing); 

It's as easy as that. It should be done in your program as soon as memory space is not needed.

When freeing memory space, you need to be aware of certain rules:

Sometimes, memory is allocated by function calls within functions. That kind of allocation is usually freed up by a companion function to the function that allocated the space. (See below in "Pointers and Pebble Programming" for examples.)

How to Avoid Messy Coding with Pointers

Pointers are notorious for creating messy, confusing code. Here are some examples:

intar[i]; *(intar+i); *(i+intar); 

These are all equivalent references; they can be used with either int intar[10] or int *intar = malloc(10*sizeof(int)); declarations. Here's another example:

char *c = "Hello World"; while (*c) printf("%c", *c++); 

As we will see in the next chapter, strings in C are arrays of characters, ending with a character with a 0 value (a "null" character). Knowing this, the above code will print each character of a string, incrementing to the next character for the next iteration of the loop. Here's one more example:

int main()

Running this example will print the value 8 , when the intention is to print the value 10 . The confusion here is the various ways that pointer arithmetic has been done.

Here a few tips to remember to avoid confusion with pointers.

  1. Never forget to initialize pointers. This is a simple rule, but it is very confusing when a pointer uses old values.
  2. Using array syntax with pointers can be a lot clearer than pointer syntax. This is especially true of multidimensional arrays and array spaces.
  3. Be painfully clear when using pointer arithmetic. Using shortcut arithmetic with dereferencing can be very confusing, as we see in the examples above.
  4. When using memory allocation, always use the most flexible and meaningful expressions. Calling malloc(16) is not very expressive, but using malloc( 4 * sizeof(int) ) is much more informative.

Pointer Jokes

Pointers can be messy and useful. They can also be funny. This link is an xkcd pointer joke. Enjoy!

Pointers and Pebble Programming

Pointers feature prominently in software written for Pebble smartwatches. You have seen this in the many project exercises that have been given in past chapters. For example, every Pebble program needs a window on the screen so that it can interact with the user. This window is declared like this:

static Window *window; 

and is created like this:

window = window_create(); 

The call to window_create returns a pointer to a Window . This type of allocation is deallocated by a companion to window_create :


Pebble programming uses pointers for most system calls that work with the operating system. Doing so allows these system objects to be allocated in memory and thus hidden from programmers. The fact that they are hidden enhances the abstractness of using them: usually, programmers just care that they work as they are documented and they really don't want to examine every byte of the data used. Using pointers for system calls also allows Pebble to update the system data structures without having to change app source code.

The pattern of allocation, use and deallocation is very common among all system interfaces. The creation/deallocation functions all have different, but similar, names. You should get used to this pattern as you write more Pebble code.

Project Exercises

Project 8.1

We have said that pointers are arrays and arrays are pointers. In this project exercise, you are asked to prove it! Start with the Bubble Sort in Project 7.1, available at this link, and (1) leave the array declarations alone, but (2) change all the array references to pointer references. You may add any variables you need.

Don't forget the parameters to the sorting functions and the assignment of the number_sorted array from the number array in the handle_init function.

You Cannot Use "void *" Here

At first glance, you might think you could make this work with any type by using "void *" to declare the parameters to the sorting functions, like this:

void bubble_sort(void *array) 

This is fine, but it makes the comparisons in the function code invalid. If the array can be of any type, then how do you know that the < operator works with the specific type that is used at runtime? You could fix the code to use "int *" for comparison like this:

void bubble_sort(void *array) < for (int i=0; i < NUMBERS_MAX - 1; i++) < for (int j=0; j < NUMBERS_MAX - 1; j++) < if (*(int *)(array+j) >*(int *)(array+(j+1))) < int temp = *(int *)(array+j); *(int *)(array+j) = *(int *)(array+(j+1)); *(int *)(array+(j+1)) = temp; >> > > 

But this code defeats the purpose of using "void *". It says that you can send any type to the sort code, but the code will compare them as integers. And this means we need to be specific about the data type used as function parameters.

Project 8.2

This exercise revisits Project 6.2 again (like we did for Project 7.2). That project, whose answer can be found here, creates an array of strings, which are simply a sequence of characters. These characters are in groups of three, drawing 5 rows of three squares. Note the declaration of the digit_array strings:

 char *digit_array[10] = < "111101101101111", "001001001001001", "111001111100111", "111001111001111", "101101111001001", "111100111001111", "111100111101111", "111001001001001", "111101111101111", "111101111001111">; 

So, this collection is a set of 10 pointers to character sequences/arrays. The reference *digit_array[0] will get the first character in the first array, a value of '1' .

In the function draw_digit in the code for Project 7.2, the function receives a sequence of characters in an array. It selects the proper character and renders a square if that character has the value "1".

You are make some changes to draw_digit :

  1. Change the parameter digit to a int data type. You will send the function the actual digit to render.
  2. Use a char * variable to be assigned an array from the digit_array selection. Use array notation, since it will be simpler.
  3. Now use pointer arithmetic to get to the right character inside the nested for loops.
  4. Dereference that pointer in the if statement that tests if the choice has the value "1".
  5. Finally, change the call to draw_digit to use the choice variable to send the actual digit chosen by the random selection.

Extra Challenge: For an extra challenge, write draw_digit with no array references at all. The easiest way is to replace the digit_array reference with a reference that selects the character sequence via pointer arithmetic. Nothing else changes! You can find the answer to this challenge at this link.

Project 8.3

This project asked you to change the colors of pixels by examining each one in a loop and changing the ones that matched a certain color. The main code for this project was a function called replace_colors , whose code is below:

void replace_colors(int pixel_width, int pixel_height, GColor old_color, GColor new_color) < int max_y = pixel_height; int max_x = pixel_width; for(int y = 0; y < max_y; y++)< for(int x = 0; x < max_x; x++)< GColor pixel_color = get_pixel_color(x,y); if(gcolor_equal(pixel_color, old_color))< set_pixel_color(x, y, new_color); >> > > 

In this code, there was a bitmap that was allocated using a pointer, but referenced using an array. The function set_pixel_color is a good example:

void set_pixel_color(int x, int y, GColor color)

You are to rewrite this code to use pointers to access the bitmap data. To do this you must (1) remove the functions get_pixel_color and set_pixel_color and (2) you must rewrite the nested loops in replace_color to use a single loop and to reference the pixel colors with a pointer.

An Easier Way to Change the Colors in an Image

This exercise makes an example of converting array notation into pointer arithmetic. And it show how to directly manipulate image pixel data. However, there is a different, perhaps easier, way to change the image's colors.

Instead of changing, say bitmap_data[0] to GColorBlue , we can change the color palette of the image. Image data does not actually reference a color; each pixel references a palette position, which has a color. If we leave the position reference of the image alone, but change the color at a position in the color, it's faster and simpler.

Here is a link to this exercise implemented by changing the color pallete and not the image.

Project 8.4

If you run the initial code, you will see that it's a simple rectangle that bounces around the screen, reminiscent of the bouncing ball from Chapter 3. There is a function, update_block , that computes the position for the image's X and Y coordinates. This function take reference parameters, that are the previous X or Y and the amount to adjust these coodinates. Based on the previous X or Y, the new value is computed.

We want a program that makes the image move randomly when the up button is pressed and in a bouncing manner when the bottom button is pressed. You will need to add code in up_click_handler and down_click_handler to change between the two modes and you will need to add a function, similar to update_block , that randomly assigns new coordinates. Remember to keep the reference parameters. You can check Project 8.2 for how to generate random coordinates.

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