ICC Model Commercial Agency Contract

Virtually every company engaged in international trade makes use of agents and therefore must face the problem of drafting an international agency agreement.
In the absence of internationally agreed legislation on commercial agency, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) first drafted this model contract on international commercial agency in 1991.
Updated in 2015 to take into account recent developments in the law of agency, this model contract is not based on specific national laws; instead it incorporates the prevailing practice in international trade as well as the principles recognized by the domestic laws on agency.

This Model Contract addresses questions of sales through the Internet, indemnity, arbitration and the principles of law generally applicable to agency contract (“lex mercatoria”).

It includes a USB key presenting the text of the contract in a user friendly and fully editable format, allowing you to adapt the contract to your specific needs.

ICC Switzerland WHITE 72dpi

ICC Switzerland
Hegibachstrasse 47
8032 Zurich