Small scale industries (SSI) refer to those small entrepreneurs who are engaged in production, manufacturing or service at a micro scale. Small scale industries play a focal role in the economic and social development of India in the post-independence era. Small scale industries constitute the backbone of a developing economy with its effective, efficient, flexible and innovative entrepreneurial spirit.Round the world SSI units have been accepted originator of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. The contribution of SSIs to the Indian economy in terms of employment generation, reducing regional imbalances, promoting inter-sectorial linkages, magnifying exports and fostering equitable economic growth potential has been quite marvelous. This sector through more than 6000 products ranging from traditional to high-tech, consisting over 36 million units widely dispersed across the country provides employment to over 80 million persons, contributes about 8% to country’s GDP beside accounting for 45% of manufactured output and 40% to the export from the country. [1] The SSI sector has the prospective to spread industrial growth round the country and can be a considerable associate in the progress of comprehensive growth. The target of proposed National Manufacturing Policy of enhancing the share of manufacturing sector in GDP to 25% and to create 100 million jobs by end of 2022, as well as to take India from its present 2 trillion dollar economy to 20 trillion dollar economy can be achieved with the help of SSI units. The paper attempts to discuss the role of small scale industries in developing the economy and explore the various problems faced by it.
Keywords: SSI, economic growth, GDP, performance of SSIs
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Banik, Subhamoy, Small Scale Industries in India: Opportunities and Challenges (December 27, 2017). IJCRT, Volume 6, Issue 1, p. 337, January 2018, Available at SSRN:
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